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Saturday, February 2, 2019

Kafka - Overview

Producer  --->>  Kakfa server (Kafka Broker), cluster is a group of broker which has  a toic - ---> consumer (request back for more data)

Topic is a unique name given to a kafka steam.  Break a topic in multiple partitions.

Partition - one partition per cluster computer .

Offset - a unique number given to a message in a specific partition .
No global offset for all partitions.

Consumer Group  - is a single logical unit of consumer

To identify message - need Topic name, Partition name and offset.

Replication factor (is set at topic level)  to decide how many partitions can copy a topic in an event of a node failure.

Kafka implements - Leader and follower model -
Leader partitions responsibility to get messages from Producer and sent to a consumer. zookeeper  localhost:/8888 --describe --topic xz

ISR - in sync replicas

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