few Queries
Sessions that read from the temporary tablespace may be reading sort or hash segments. Sessions that read from data files normally belong to parallel query slaves.
select a.event, a.sid, c.sql_hash_value hash_value, decode(d.ktssosegt, 1,'SORT', 2,'HASH', 3,'DATA', 4,'INDEX',5,'LOB_DATA',6,'LOB_INDEX', null) as segment_type, b.tablespace_name, b.file_name from v$session_wait a, dba_data_files b, v$session c, x$ktsso d where c.saddr = d.ktssoses(+) and c.serial# = d.ktssosno(+) and d.inst_id(+) = userenv('instance') and a.sid = c.sid and a.p1 = b.file_id and a.event = 'direct path read' union all select a.event, a.sid, d.sql_hash_value hash_value, decode(e.ktssosegt, 1,'SORT', 2,'HASH', 3,'DATA', 4,'INDEX',5,'LOB_DATA',6,'LOB_INDEX', null) as segment_type, b.tablespace_name, b.file_name from v$session_wait a, dba_temp_files b, v$parameter c, v$session d, x$ktsso e where d.saddr = e.ktssoses(+) and d.serial# = e.ktssosno(+) and e.inst_id(+) = userenv('instance') and a.sid = d.sid and b.file_id = a.p1 - c.value and c.name = 'db_files' and a.event = 'direct path read' order by 1,2;
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