Lock Demo | |||
Locking Demo Session 1 | Session 2 | ||
conn / as sysdba | conn scott/tiger | ||
UPDATE emp SET deptno=deptno+10 WHERE deptno < 40; | |||
SELECT username, gv$lock.sid, TRUNC(id1/power(2,16)) rbs, BITAND(id1,TO_NUMBER('ffff','xxxx'))+0 slot, id2 seq, lmode, request FROM gv$lock, gv$session WHERE gv$lock.type = 'TX' AND gv$lock.sid = gv$session.sid AND gv$session.username = 'SCOTT'; SELECT XIDUSN, XIDSLOT, XIDSQN FROM gv$transaction; | |||
rollback; | |||
Lock Table | |||
Table Locking | LOCK TABLE <table_name> IN <lock_mode> MODE [NOWAIT | WAIT <seconds>]; | ||
LOCK TABLE uwclass.servers IN exclusive MODE WAIT 120; | |||
Lock Related Queries | |||
Active Table Locks | SELECT SUBSTR(a.object,1,25) TABLENAME, SUBSTR(s.username,1,15) USERNAME, SUBSTR(p.pid,1,5) PID, SUBSTR(p.spid,1,10) SYSTEM_ID, DECODE(l.type, 'RT','Redo Log Buffer', 'TD','Dictionary', 'TM','DML', 'TS','Temp Segments', 'TX','Transaction', 'UL','User', 'RW','Row Wait', l.type) LOCK_TYPE FROM gv$access a, gv$process p, gv$session s, gv$lock l WHERE s.sid = a.sid AND s.paddr = p.addr AND l.sid = p.pid GROUP BY a.object, s.username, p.pid, l.type, p.spid ORDER BY a.object, s.username; | ||
Active Locks | SELECT s.username, s.sid, s.serial#, s.osuser, k.ctime, o.object_name object, k.kaddr, DECODE(l.locked_mode, 1, 'No Lock', 2, 'Row Share', 3, 'Row Exclusive', 4, 'Shared Table', 5, 'Shared Row Exclusive', 6, 'Exclusive') locked_mode, DECODE(k.type, 'BL','Buffer Cache Management (PCM lock)', 'CF','Controlfile Transaction', 'CI','Cross Instance Call', 'CU','Bind Enqueue', 'DF','Data File', 'DL','Direct Loader', 'DM','Database Mount', 'DR','Distributed Recovery', 'DX','Distributed Transaction', 'FS','File Set', 'IN','Instance Number', 'IR','Instance Recovery', 'IS','Instance State', 'IV','Library Cache Invalidation', 'JQ','Job Queue', 'KK','Redo Log Kick', 'LA','Library Cache Lock', 'LB','Library Cache Lock', 'LC','Library Cache Lock', 'LD','Library Cache Lock', 'LE','Library Cache Lock', 'LF','Library Cache Lock', 'LG','Library Cache Lock', 'LH','Library Cache Lock', 'LI','Library Cache Lock', 'LJ','Library Cache Lock', 'LK','Library Cache Lock', 'LL','Library Cache Lock', 'LM','Library Cache Lock', 'LN','Library Cache Lock', 'LO','Library Cache Lock', 'LP','Library Cache Lock', 'MM','Mount Definition', 'MR','Media Recovery', 'NA','Library Cache Pin', 'NB','Library Cache Pin', 'NC','Library Cache Pin', 'ND','Library Cache Pin', 'NE','Library Cache Pin', 'NF','Library Cache Pin', 'NG','Library Cache Pin', 'NH','Library Cache Pin', 'NI','Library Cache Pin', 'NJ','Library Cache Pin', 'NK','Library Cache Pin', 'NL','Library Cache Pin', 'NM','Library Cache Pin', 'NN','Library Cache Pin', 'NO','Library Cache Pin', 'NP','Library Cache Pin', 'NQ','Library Cache Pin', 'NR','Library Cache Pin', 'NS','Library Cache Pin', 'NT','Library Cache Pin', 'NU','Library Cache Pin', 'NV','Library Cache Pin', 'NW','Library Cache Pin', 'NX','Library Cache Pin', 'NY','Library Cache Pin', 'NZ','Library Cache Pin', 'PF','Password File', 'PI','Parallel Slaves', 'PR','Process Startup', 'PS','Parallel Slave Synchronization', 'QA','Row Cache Lock', 'QB','Row Cache Lock', 'QC','Row Cache Lock', 'QD','Row Cache Lock', 'QE','Row Cache Lock', 'QF','Row Cache Lock', 'QG','Row Cache Lock', 'QH','Row Cache Lock', 'QI','Row Cache Lock', 'QJ','Row Cache Lock', 'QK','Row Cache Lock', 'QL','Row Cache Lock', 'QM','Row Cache Lock', 'QN','Row Cache Lock', 'QO','Row Cache Lock', 'QP','Row Cache Lock', 'QQ','Row Cache Lock', 'QR','Row Cache Lock', 'QS','Row Cache Lock', 'QT','Row Cache Lock', 'QU','Row Cache Lock', 'QV','Row Cache Lock', 'QW','Row Cache Lock', 'QX','Row Cache Lock', 'QY','Row Cache Lock', 'QZ','Row Cache Lock', 'RT','Redo Thread', 'SC','System Commit number', 'SM','SMON synchronization', 'SN','Sequence Number', 'SQ','Sequence Enqueue', 'SR','Synchronous Replication', 'SS','Sort Segment', 'ST','Space Management Transaction', 'SV','Sequence Number Value', 'TA','Transaction Recovery', 'TM','DML Enqueue', 'TS','Table Space (or Temporary Segment)', 'TT','Temporary Table', 'TX','Transaction', 'UL','User-defined Locks', 'UN','User Name', 'US','Undo segment Serialization', 'WL','Writing redo Log', 'XA','Instance Attribute Lock', 'XI','Instance Registration Lock') type FROM gv$session s, sys.gv$lock c, sys.gv$locked_object l, dba_objects o, sys.gv$lock k, gv$lock v WHERE o.object_id = l.object_id AND l.session_id = s.sid AND k.sid = s.sid AND s.saddr = c.saddr AND k.kaddr = c.kaddr AND k.kaddr = v.kaddr AND v.saddr = s.saddr AND k.lmode = l.locked_mode AND k.lmode = c.lmode AND k.request = c.request ORDER BY object; | ||
List Locks | set wrap off col lock_type format a12 col mode_held format a10 col mode_requested format a10 col blocking_others format a20 col username format a10 SELECT session_id,lock_type, mode_held, mode_requested, blocking_others, lock_id1 FROM dba_lock l WHERE lock_type NOT IN ('Media Recovery', 'Redo Thread'); | ||
Locked Objects | SELECT oracle_username USERNAME, owner OBJECT_OWNER, object_name, object_type, s.osuser, DECODE(l.block, 0, 'Not Blocking', 1, 'Blocking', 2, 'Global') STATUS, DECODE(v.locked_mode, 0, 'None', 1, 'Null', 2, 'Row-S (SS)', 3, 'Row-X (SX)', 4, 'Share', 5, 'S/Row-X (SSX)', 6, 'Exclusive', TO_CHAR(lmode) ) MODE_HELD FROM gv$locked_object v, dba_objects d, gv$lock l, gv$session s WHERE v.object_id = d.object_id AND (v.object_id = l.id1) and v.session_id = s.sid ORDER BY oracle_username, session_id; | ||
Locked Objects | SELECT o.owner, o.object_name, o.object_type, o.last_ddl_time, o.status, l.session_id, l.oracle_username, l.locked_mode FROM dba_objects o, gv$locked_object l WHERE o.object_id = l.object_id; | ||
Locked Objects | SELECT DECODE(request,0,'Holder: ','Waiter:') sid sess, id1, id2, lmode, request, type FROM gv$lock WHERE (id1, id2, type) IN ( SELECT id1, id2, type FROM gv$lock WHERE request>0) ORDER BY id1, request; | ||
Objects that have been lock for 2 minutes or more | SELECT SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(w.session_id),1,5) WSID, p1.spid WPID, SUBSTR(s1.username,1,12) "WAITING User", SUBSTR(s1.osuser,1,8) "OS User", SUBSTR(s1.program,1,20) "WAITING Program", s1.client_info "WAITING Client", SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(h.session_id),1,5) HSID, p2.spid HPID, SUBSTR(s2.username,1,12) "HOLDING User", SUBSTR(s2.osuser,1,8) "OS User", SUBSTR(s2.program,1,20) "HOLDING Program", s2.client_info "HOLDING Client", o.object_name "HOLDING Object" FROM gv$process p1, gv$process p2, gv$session s1, gv$session s2, dba_locks w, dba_locks h, dba_objects o WHERE w.last_convert > 120 AND h.mode_held != 'None' AND h.mode_held != 'Null' AND w.mode_requested != 'None' AND s1.row_wait_obj# = o.object_id AND w.lock_type(+) = h.lock_type AND w.lock_id1(+) = h.lock_id1 AND w.lock_id2 (+) = h.lock_id2 AND w.session_id = s1.sid (+) AND h.session_id = s2.sid (+) AND s1.paddr = p1.addr (+) AND s2.paddr = p2.addr (+) ORDER BY w.last_convert desc; |
Killing Oracle Sessions
There are a number of ways to kill rogue sessions both within Oracle and externally.
Identify the Session to be Killed
Killing sessions can be very destructive if you kill the wrong session, so be very careful when identifying the session to be killed. If you kill a session belonging to a background process you will cause an instance crash.
Identify the offending session using the [G]V$SESSION and [G]V$PROCESS views as follows.
- SET LINESIZE 100COLUMN spid FORMAT A10COLUMN username FORMAT A10COLUMN program FORMAT A45s.sid,SELECT s.inst_id, s.serial#,s.programp.spid, s.username,JOIN gv$process p ON p.addr = s.paddr AND p.inst_id = s.inst_idFROM gv$session s WHERE s.type != 'BACKGROUND';INST_ID SID SERIAL# SPID USERNAME PROGRAM---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------------------------------------------1 23 287 3834 SYS sqlplus@oel5-11gr2.localdomain (TNS V1-V3)1 30 15 3859 TEST sqlplus@oel5-11gr2.localdomain (TNS V1-V3) 1 40 387 4663 oracle@oel5-11gr2.localdomain (J000)SQL>1 38 125 4665 oracle@oel5-11gr2.localdomain (J001)
The SID and SERIAL# values of the relevant session can then be substituted into the commands in the following sections.
The basic syntax for killing a session is shown below.
In a RAC environment, you optionally specify the INST_ID, shown when querying the GV$SESSION view. This allows you to kill a session on different RAC node.
SQL> ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION 'sid,serial#,@inst_id';
The KILL SESSION command doesn't actually kill the session. It merely asks the session to kill itself. In some situations, like waiting for a reply from a remote database or rolling back transactions, the session will not kill itself immediately and will wait for the current operation to complete. In these cases the session will have a status of "marked for kill". It will then be killed as soon as possible.
In addition to the syntax described above, you can add the IMMEDIATE clause.
This does not affect the work performed by the command, but it returns control back to the current session immediately, rather than waiting for confirmation of the kill.
If the marked session persists for some time you may consider killing the process at the operating system level. Before doing this it's worth checking to see if it is performing a rollback. You can do this by running this script (session_undo.sql). If the USED_UREC value is decreasing for the session in question you should leave it to complete the rollback rather than killing the session at the operating system level.
The ALTER SYSTEM DISCONNECT SESSION syntax is an alternative method for killing Oracle sessions. Unlike the KILL SESSION command which asks the session to kill itself, the DISCONNECT SESSION command kills the dedicated server process (or virtual circuit when using Shared Sever), which is equivalent to killing the server process from the operating system. The basic syntax is similar to theKILL SESSION command with the addition of the POST_TRANSACTION clause. The SID and SERIAL# values of the relevant session can be substituted into one of the following statements.
The POST_TRANSACTION clause waits for ongoing transactions to complete before disconnecting the session, while the IMMEDIATE clause disconnects the session and ongoing transactions are recovered immediately.
The POST_TRANSACTION and IMMEDIATE clauses can be used together, but the documentation states that in this case the IMMEDIATE clause is ignored. In addition, the syntax diagram suggests both clauses are optional, but in reality, one or both must be specified or you receive an error.
- SQL> alter system disconnect session '30,7';alter system disconnect session '30,7'ERROR at line 1:*SQL>ORA-02000: missing POST_TRANSACTION or IMMEDIATE keyword
This command means you should never need to switch to the operating system to kill sessions, which reduces the chances of killing the wrong process.
The Windows Approach
To kill the session on the Windows operating system, first identify the session, then substitute the relevant SID and SPID values into the following command issued from the command line.
C:> orakill ORACLE_SID spid
The session thread should be killed immediately and all resources released.
The UNIX Approach
To kill the session on UNIX or Linux operating systems, first identify the session, then substitute the relevant SPID into the following command.
% kill spid
If after a few minutes the process hasn't stopped, terminate the session using the following.
% kill -9 spid
If in doubt check that the SPID matches the UNIX PROCESSID shown using.
% ps -ef | grep ora
The session thread should be killed immediately and all resources released.
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