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BUGS in Part 2

BUGS in Part 2

1.22 Oracle OLAP
Consider the following when working with Oracle OLAP:

  1. If you are upgrading from a 32-bit version to 64-bit version, and you are using the OLAP option, see Note 352306.1 on My Oracle Support (formerly OracleMetaLinkat for additional steps (reference Bug 4966492).
  2. SQL Aggregation Management is a group of PL/SQL subprograms in DBMS_CUBE that support the rapid deployment of cube materialized views from existing relational materialized views. Cube materialized views are cubes that have been enhanced to use the automatic refresh and query rewrite features of Oracle Database. A single cube materialized view can replace many of the relational materialized views of summaries on a fact table, providing uniform response time to all summary data.
In the process of creating the cube materialized views, DBMS_CUBE also creates a fully functional analytic workspace including a cube and the cube dimensions. The cube stores the data for a cube materialized view, instead of the table that stores the data for a relational materialized view. A cube can also support a wide range of analytic functions that enhance the database with information-rich content.
  1. Enhanced logging capabilities are provided through the new PL/SQL package DBMS_CUBE_LOG that offers four different logs. Both Analytic Workspace Manager users and database administrators can view the progress of an analytic workspace build in CUBE_BUILD_LOG, find load errors in CUBE_REJECTED_RECORDS, check the validity of dimension hierarchies in CUBE_DIMENSION_COMPILE, and follow OLAP engine events in CUBE_OPERATIONS_LOG.
  2. The OLAP Option, as an embedded feature of the database, is automatically installed with the Oracle Enterprise Edition Database. When installing the database with the OLAP Option, choose the Data Warehouse configuration type for the most appropriate default initialization parameters.
  3. Analytic Workspace Manager 11.2.0 should be used when running Oracle Database 11g Release 2 in either Oracle Database 10g or Oracle Database 11gcompatibility modes. An Oracle Database 10g format analytic workspace may be created by choosing the Oracle Database 10g cube type when creating a new analytic workspace.
  4. OLAP 10g clients connecting to 10g style analytic workspaces in an Oracle Database 11g Release 2 database instance should upgrade their Java to version 1.5, as well as upgrade their OLAP API version to 11.2.0.
  5. Oracle Business Intelligence Beans 10g and Oracle Discoverer for OLAP 10g can be used with 10g format analytic workspaces in Oracle Database 11g. They cannot be used with 11g format analytic workspaces. To upgrade the OLAP API client JARs, include these new JARs in the Java class search list before the Intelligence Beans or Discoverer JAR files or both.
  6. The OLAPSYS schema and the CWM metadata contained within the schema are deprecated in Oracle Database 11g Release 2. The OLAP API can still query relational tables (ROLAP mode) using data dictionary metadata. For more information, refer to My Oracle Support Tech Note 445311.1.

1.23 Oracle Spatial
The Oracle Spatial readme file supplements the information in the following manuals: Oracle Spatial Developer's Guide, Oracle Spatial Topology and Network Data Models Developer's Guide, and Oracle Spatial GeoRaster Developer's Guide. The Oracle Spatial readme file is located at:
1.24 Oracle SQL Developer
The Oracle SQL Developer readme file is located at:
1.25 Oracle Text
Note the following items when working with Oracle Text. You should also check entries for the Oracle Text Application Developer's Guide in the Documentation Addendum.
1.25.1 Query Compatible Syntax Values
Chapter 6, titled "CTX_CLS Package", in the Oracle Text Reference states under the section titled "Query Compatible Syntax" that the doc_id column is a NUMBER. This is correct; however, the values stored in this column must be in the range 0-4294967295. The values must be stored in an unsigned 32-bit value. This range also pertains tocatidcatdocid, and rescatid.
1.25.2 Oracle Text Supplied Knowledge Bases
An Oracle Text knowledge base is a hierarchical tree of concepts used for theme indexing, ABOUT queries, and deriving themes for document services. The following Oracle Text services require that a knowledge base be installed:

  • Index creation using a BASIC_LEXER preference where INDEX_THEMES=YES
  • SYNCing of an index where INDEX_THEMES=YES
  • CTX_DOC.SNIPPET (if using the ABOUT operator)
  • CTX_DOC.POLICY_SNIPPET (if using the ABOUT operator)
  • CONTAINS queries that use ABOUT or THEMES with TRANSFORM
  • The Knowledge Base Extension Compiler, ctxkbtc
  • Clustering and classification services, if themes are specified

If you plan to use any of these Oracle Text features, then you should install the supplied knowledge bases, English and French, from the Oracle Database Examples media, available for download on OTN.
Note that you can extend the supplied knowledge bases, or create your own knowledge bases, possibly in languages other than English and French. For more information about creating and extending knowledge bases, refer to the Oracle Text Reference.
For information about how to install products from the Oracle Database Examples media, refer to the Oracle Database Examples Installation Guide that is specific to your platform.
Supplied Knowledge Bases and Upgrades
Because the supplied knowledge bases are contained on the Oracle Database Examples media, they are not immediately available after an upgrade to Oracle Database 11gRelease 1 (11.1). Oracle Text features that depend on the supplied knowledge bases available before the upgrade will not function after the upgrade, so you must install the supplied knowledge bases from the Oracle Database Examples media.
After an upgrade, you must regenerate all user extensions to the supplied knowledge bases. These changes affect all databases installed in the given ORACLE_HOME.
For more information on upgrading Oracle Text and supplied knowledge bases, refer to the Oracle Database Upgrade Guide, Chapter 4, "After Upgrading a Database", section "Upgrading Oracle Text". The Oracle Text Application Developer's Guide contains both general instructions for upgrading from previous releases of Oracle Text and information on supplied knowledge bases.
1.25.3 Document Filtering Support
Starting with version, Oracle Text uses Oracle Outside In HTML Export for document filtering instead of filtering technology licensed from Autonomy, Inc. With the migration to Oracle Outside In HTML Export, several document formats are no longer supported. Refer to Appendix B of the //Oracle Text Reference// for a complete list of filter-supported document formats as well as for a list of formats that are no longer supported in
1.25.4 URL Datastore and File Datastore
With the default behavior change for FILE_ACCESS_ROLE (see Section 1.4.3, "FILE_ACCESS_ROLE Default Behavior Change"), indexing operations on new or existing Oracle Text index using FILE or URL datastore fail if FILE_ACCESS_ROLE parameter is set to NULL (reference Bug 8360111).
1.26 Oracle Ultra Search
Oracle Ultra Search has been de-supported. No new features are implemented in Ultra Search, and Ultra Search will no longer be included as part of future Oracle product sets. In March of 2006, Oracle launched Oracle Secure Enterprise Search (SES). Oracle SES is a faster and more secure product built on the technologies originally developed for Ultra Search. Customers using Ultra Search are strongly recommended to migrate to Oracle SES.
See Also:
The Oracle Secure Enterprise Search page on the Oracle Technology Network at:
1.27 Oracle Warehouse Builder
For additional information about Oracle Warehouse Builder (OWB) in Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (11.2), refer to the Oracle Warehouse Builder Release Notes.
1.27.1 Upgrading Existing Warehouse Builder ETL Designs for Use With OWB 11.2
Oracle Warehouse Builder Installation and Administration Guide for Windows and Linux, Chapter 6, "Migrating Oracle Warehouse Builder from Earlier Releases," states that "To upgrade from versions of Oracle Warehouse Builder earlier than 10g Release 2, you must first upgrade to Oracle Warehouse Builder 10g Release 2 or Oracle Warehouse Builder 11g Release 1. You may then upgrade your repository to Oracle Warehouse Builder 11g Release 2."
Note, however, that the complete repository upgrade process is only needed to preserve runtime metadata, such as when ETL mappings and process flows were deployed and execution results.
If the goal is to move an OWB design from a previous release to OWB 11gR2 and the deployment and execution history from the previous repository is not needed, then it is not necessary to upgrade the entire repository. Specifically, when upgrading from OWB 10.1 or earlier, it is simpler to migrate only the design-time metadata.
You can migrate an existing design to OWB 11gR2 using the following steps:

  1. Export each project from previous releases as MDL.
  2. Import the MDL into an OWB 11gR2 workspace.
  3. Upgrade locations to match the new environment.

1.28 Oracle Workflow
Oracle Workflow is not shipping with Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (11.2).
1.29 Oracle XML DB
Consider the following when working with Oracle XML DB:

  • Compression is not supported with Oracle XML DB.
  • The transportable tablespace feature is not supported on hierarchy-enabled XMLType tables.

1.29.1 Change in Semantics of xdb:defaultTable Annotation
There is a change in behavior in the semantics of xdb:defaultTable annotation while registering XML DB schemas in 11.2 as compared to 11.1 (reference Bug 7646934). If you specify xdb:defaultTable="MY_TAB" without specifying xdb:sqlInline="false", XML DB creates the table as requested and implicitly marks it as an out-of-line table. This behavior is different from 11.1 where the defaultTable annotation was ignored when the sqlInline setting was missing.
1.29.2 VARRAY Storage Default Change
In Oracle Database 11g Release 1 (11.1), the default value for xdb:storeVarrayAsTable changed from FALSE to TRUE for XMLType object-relational storage. This default applied to the default table, but not when creating XMLType object-relational tables and columns after the schema registration (reference Bug 6858659). In Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (11.2), all VARRAY data elements are created as tables by default. This provides a significant performance increase at query time. In addition, note the following:

  • Tables created prior to 11.2 are not affected by this. The upgrade process retains storage parameters. This only affects tables created in 11.2 or later.
  • You can retain the pre-11.2 default of VARRAY storage as LOBs if you have small VARRAY data elements and you read and or write the full VARRAY all at once. You have two options to revert to the pre-11.2 behavior:
    • Re-register the schema with xdb:storeVarrayAsTable=FALSE. This affects the default and non-default tables.
    • Or, when creating the table (for non default tables), you can use the STORE ALL VARRAYS AS LOBS clause to override the default for all VARRAY data elements in the XMLType. This clause can only be used during table creation. It will return an error if used in the table_props at schema registration time.
  • For schemas registered prior to 11.2 (when the default storage for VARRAY data elements was LOB), you can use STORE ALL VARRAYS AS TABLES clause to override the default for all VARRAY data elements in the XMLType.

1.30 PL/SQL
Note the following when working with PL/SQL.
1.30.1 Secure Database By Default Changes
The PUBLIC EXECUTE privilege for the DBMS_RANDOM PL/SQL package will be deprecated in future Oracle Database releases (reference Bug 7591837). Users who need to run this PL/SQL package should be given explicit EXECUTE privileges.
1.30.2 Stale Native Code Files Are Being Cached
Natively compiled PL/SQL and native code generated by the JIT compiler for Oracle JVM, may be cached in operating system files. The SHUTDOWN ABORT and SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE commands do not clean these cached native code files (reference Bug 8527383).
To avoid problems caused by stale files in the cache, clean the files before restarting the database instance. The stale files that belong to the instance can be identified by name. The name patterns are as follows where sid_name is the system identifier name:
It is advisable to remove stale files as part of a startup script. For example, to clean stale files for the instance passed to the startup csh script by name on Linux, add the following three lines to the startup script:
rm JOXSHM_EXT_*_$1_*
rm PESHM_EXT_*_$1_*
rm PESLD_$1_*
The location of the native cache depends on the platform. It is defined by the location of files created by the operating system to implement shm_open requests on that platform. For example, Solaris stores shared memory segments in /var/tmp/.SHMD and /tmp/.SHMD. Linux stores them in /dev/shm.
Consider the following when working with the DBMS_SCHEDULER PL/SQL package. Event-Based Jobs
The Oracle Scheduler supports event-based jobs. These are jobs that are started when a message is enqueued into a database queue. When the database queue used for this purpose is a secure queue, the QUEUE_SPEC attribute of event-based jobs and schedules is a pair of the form queue_name, agent_name. The reason an agent has to be specified is to help the scheduler determine which messages the user can see. In the case of nonsecure queues, if the user has dequeue privileges on a queue, then he or she can dequeue any agent that is subscribed to the queue. This means that he or she can see all of the messages in the queue. In the case of secure queues, the user has to be granted privileges to not only the queue but to agents as well.
In addition to granting dequeue privileges, the queue owner has to make a call to dbms_aqadm.enable_db_access() to enable the user to dequeue as a specific agent. The agent could be subscribed to the queue using a rule that filters messages that the user should not see.
The scheduler always subscribes to every queue (secure or otherwise) using its own agent SCHEDULER$_EVENT_AGENT. Because the scheduler runs as user SYS, it can see all the messages in the queue. In the case of secure queues, however, this should not be done because the purpose of secure queues is to enable the queue owner to provide some type of limited access to the queue by users. Therefore, the scheduler requires an agent name in the QUEUE_SPEC attribute. This agent name is used solely for the purpose of determining which messages the user can see. The scheduler does not dequeue messages as this agent. When the scheduler receives a notification that a message has arrived in a secure queue, it performs the following checks for each event-based job that depends on the queue.

  1. It checks to determine if the job owner has dequeue privileges on the queue.
  2. It checks to see if the agent name provided in the queue spec can be used by the job owner.
  3. It checks to see if the agent is currently subscribed to the queue.
  4. It checks if the incoming message is visible to the agent.

If all of these checks succeed, then the scheduler launches the event-based job. Regardless of whether the checks pass, the message is dequeued using the agentSCHEDULER$_EVENT_AGENT.
When providing an agent for the QUEUE_SPEC attribute, the user can provide an existing agent name or have a new one created for this purpose. In either case, it is the user's or queue owner's responsibility to ensure that the agent dequeues its messages. Remote Jobs
The Oracle Scheduler supports running jobs on remote hosts and transferring files to or from remote hosts. To achieve this goal, it is first necessary to go through the setup described in the "Enabling and Disabling Remote External Jobs" section of Chapter 28 of the Oracle Database Administrator's Guide. This feature also requires that Oracle XML DB HTTP Server be enabled on the database.
To check whether Oracle XML DB HTTP Server is enabled, you can use the following command:
If this statement returns 0, then you need to enable Oracle XML DB HTTP Server on a non-zero port by logging in as SYS and issuing the following commands:
Substitute port with Oracle XML DB HTTP Server port you wish to use.
A new security measure is introduced in this release for the following network-related PL/SQL packages: UTL_TCPUTL_HTTPUTL_SMTPUTL_MAIL, and UTL_INADDR. The invoker of those packages needs additional privileges to connect to an external host or to resolve the name or the IP address of a host. The packages check the invoker for the necessary privileges only when the calls are made at runtime and raises an exception if the invoker lacks the privileges. This new security measure is implemented by Oracle XML DB access control list (ACL) mechanism and, therefore, requires Oracle XML DB to be installed in order to use those packages.
Each external host that a database user wants to connect to or to resolve the name or IP address for from the database is restricted by an access control list (ACL). To grant a user the privileges for the host, the database administrator should create an ACL, add the privileges to the ACL for the user, assign the ACL to the host, and commit the changes using the DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN PL/SQL package. For example, to give the users SCOTT and ADAMS the permission to connect to via HTTP (namely to connect to TCP/IP port 80), the database administrator should complete the following:
SQL> REM Creates a new ACL and adds SCOTT the privilege to the ACL to make TCP connections
> 'ACL for', 'SCOTT', TRUE, 'connect')

SQL> REM Adds ADAMS the privilege to the ACL to make TCP connections also
> 'ADAMS', TRUE, 'connect')

SQL> REM Assigns the new ACL to for TCP/IP port 80 (HTTP)
> '', 80)

SQL> REM Commits to make the ACL take effect
The invoker of the UTL_TCPUTL_HTTPUTL_SMTP, and UTL_MAIL packages needs the 'connect' privilege to make TCP/IP, HTTP, or SMTP connections to the external host. The invoker of the UTL_INADDR package needs the 'resolve' privilege to resolve the name or the IP address of the external host. Note that those privileges are not granted through the GRANT SQL statement but through the DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMINpackage.
The current ACL assignment to external hosts and the privileges currently defined in the ACLs are shown through the system catalog views DBA_NETWORK_ACLS andDBA_NETWORK_ACL_PRIVILEGES.
The invokers of other database components that use those PL/SQL packages to perform network operations from the database, which are Oracle XML DB HttpUriType, Oracle Multimedia, and Oracle Spatial, are subject to the same network permission check and require the same privileges.
1.30.5 DBMS_SQL Package
In Oracle Database 11g Release 1 (11.1), Oracle introduces a number of enhancements to DBMS_SQL to improve the security of the package:

  • Prevent guessing of open cursor numbers

A new error, ORA-29471, will be raised when any DBMS_SQL subprogram is called with a cursor number that does not denote an open cursor. When the error is raised, an alert is issued to the alert log and DBMS_SQL becomes inoperable for the life of the session.
If the actual value for the cursor number in a call to IS_OPEN does denote a cursor that is currently open in the session, then the return value is TRUE. If the actual is null, then the return value is FALSE. Otherwise, you get the ORA-29471 error.
Note that the DBMS_SQL.OPEN_CURSOR function is the only DBMS_SQL subprogram that has no formal parameter for the cursor number. Rather, it returns a cursor number. Therefore, it is not within the scope of the rules.

  • Prevent inappropriate use of a cursor

Cursors are now better protected from security breaches that subvert known, existing cursors.
Checks are always made when binding and executing. Optionally, checks may be performed for every single DBMS_SQL subprogram call. The check is:

    • current_user is the same on calling the subprogram in question as it was on calling the most recent parse.
    • The enabled roles on calling the subprogram must be a superset of the enabled roles on calling the most recent parse.

As is always the case, for definer's right subprograms, roles are irrelevant.
If either check fails, then ORA-29470 is raised.
The mechanism for defining when checks are performed is a new overload for the OPEN_CURSOR subprogram which takes a formal parameter, security_level, with allowed values NULL1 and 2.
When security_level = 1 (or is NULL), the checks are made only when binding and executing. When security_level = 2, the checks are always made.
This security regime is stricter than in 10.2 and previous releases. As a consequence, users of DBMS_SQL may encounter runtime errors on upgrade. While the regime makes for more secure applications, users may want to relax the security checks temporarily as they migrate to 11.1. If so, consult with Oracle Support Services on steps to relax the security checks.
1.30.6 UTL_FILE Package
The UTL_FILE package no longer opens a file if that file is a symbolic link. This new restriction closes a known security hole in the UTL_FILEpackage.
If this security restriction poses an undue burden during migration, then contact Oracle Support Services for assistance.
1.30.7 Interoperability Between Releases
Interoperability between an 11.1 database or Forms client and a 10.1 or 10.2 database requires a minimum patchset level of (for 10.1) or (for 10.2).
An attempt to reference a 10.1 or 10.2 PL/SQL unit or view under the following circumstances fails with a PLS-801[55916] error unless the 10.1 or 10.2 environment has been patched to the correct level:

  • A PL/SQL unit, anonymous block, trigger, call statement, or SQL statement on an 11.1 database runs a PL/SQL unit on a 10.1 or 10.2 database across a database link.
  • A PL/SQL unit, anonymous block, trigger, or call statement on an 11.1 database references a view on a 10.1 or 10.2 database across a database link and the view directly or indirectly references a PL/SQL function or an object type.
  • An 11.1 Forms client runs a PL/SQL unit in a 10.1 or 10.2 database using RPC.

To avoid the PLS-801[55916] error, a minimum patchset level of (for 10.1) or (for 10.2) is required.
There is no interoperability problem between 10.1 and 10.2 environments.
1.31 Pro*C
The Pro*C readme file is located at:
1.32 Pro*COBOL
The Pro*COBOL readme file is located at:
1.33 SQLJ
SQLJ in Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (11.2) is supported with JDK 5.0 and JDK 6.0.
1.34 SQL*Plus
The SQL*Plus readme file is located at:
1.35 Summary Management
Note the following items when working with Summary Management.
1.35.1 Query Rewrite
The following items apply to Query Rewrite. Fine Grained Auditing (FGA)
If Fine Grained Auditing (FGA) is enabled on a table in the query, then Query Rewrite will not occur for this query. Use of PARTITION Clause
Query rewrite does not occur for queries that use the PARTITION clause in the FROM clause to access table partitions. In order for query rewrite to rewrite such queries, thePARTITION clauses must first be converted into equivalent selection predicates and added to the WHEREclause.
1.35.2 Feature Availability
The following are available in Enterprise Edition:

  • Creation and refresh features of materialized views
  • Query rewrite and materialized view advice from the SQL Access Advisor

1.35.3 NLS Parameters
When using or refreshing certain materialized views, you must ensure that your NLS parameters are the same as when you created the materialized view. Materialized views that fall under this restriction contain the following constructs:

  1. Expressions that may return different values, depending on NLS parameter settings

It is recommended to write such expressions in the NLS-independent way. For example:
(date > DATE '2003-01-02')
(rate <= 2.150)

  1. Equijoins where one side of the join is character data
The result of this equijoin depends on collation which can change on a session basis, giving an incorrect result in the case of query rewrite or an inconsistent materialized view after a refresh operation.
  1. Expressions that generate internal conversion to character data in the select list of a materialized view, or inside an aggregate of a materialized aggregate view

This restriction does not apply to expressions that involve only numeric data; for example, a+b where a and b are numeric values.
1.36 Oracle Streams
Note the following when working with Oracle Streams.
1.36.1 Propagation from Release 9.2 or Release 10.1 to Release 11.2 Returns Error ORA-25334
Propagation from Oracle9i Database Release 2 (9.2) or Oracle Database 10g Release 1 (10.1) to Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (11.2) results in error ORA-25334 unless the patch to Bug 4285404 has been applied to the 9.2 database.
1.36.2 Oracle Streams Apply Handler Modifications Necessary for Handling New Error Messages That Replace ORA-1403 Errors
Customized DML and error handlers for Oracle Streams require modification to catch the additional Oracle errors ORA-26786 and ORA-26787 in place of the ORA-01403 No data found message. An ORA-26787 error is raised if the row to be updated or deleted does not exist in the target table. An ORA-26786 error is raised when the row exists in the target table, but the values of some columns do not match those of the LCR.
1.36.3 Oracle Streams Advanced Queuing
Subscription names for Advanced Queuing notification will become canonical. Thus, registrations for scott.queue1:sub and SCOTT.QUEUE1:SUBare for the same entity and are represented in canonical form as "SCOTT"."QUEUE1":"SUB".
1.36.4 DBMS_RULE_ADM Operation Privileges
New in Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (11.2), the DBMS_RULE_ADM package might require that the caller be specifically granted the privilege to perform the DBMS_RULE_ADMoperation (reference Bug 5523578).
For the short term, if needed, the previous behavior can be restored by setting event 25476 to any nonzero level. However, usage of this event may be deprecated in a future release, therefore it is recommended that you grant the relevant privileges should DBMS_RULE_ADMreturn a security-related error.
1.36.5 UTL_SPADV Load Privileges
An additional privilege is required to load the UTL_SPADV package into the Oracle Streams administrator schema. The Oracle Streams administrator schema must haveEXECUTE privilege on DBMS_LOCK in order to load this package.
1.37 Documentation Addendum
This section contains corrections to the following Oracle Documentation for this release:

1.37.1 Oracle Database Heterogeneous Connectivity User's Guide
The following information should be removed from Chapter 4, "Using Heterogeneous Services Agents", section "Determining the Heterogeneous Services Parameters":
The Distributed Access Manager has a refresh capability available through the menu and toolbar that allows users to rerun queries if necessary and update the data. When the data is refreshed, the tool verifies that the set of registered agents remains the same. If it is not, then the global view is updated. See Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator's Guide and online help for more information about the Distributed Access Manager.
1.37.2 Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference
The listno parameter of the DBMS_UTILITY was inadvertently excluded from the Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference. For example, theGET_PARAMETER_VALUE function should read as follows:
This function gets the value of specified initialization parameter.
parnam IN VARCHAR2,

parnamParameter name.
intvalValue of an integer parameter or the value length of a string parameter.
strvalValue of a string parameter.
listnoList item number. If retrieving parameter values for a parameter that can be specified multiple times to accumulate values, use this parameter to get each individual parameter.

1.38 Open Bugs
This section lists known bugs for this release. A supplemental list of bugs may be found as part of the release documentation specific for your platform.
1.38.1 Database Upgrade Assistant (DBUA) Known Bugs
Bug 8724757
When upgrading a release database with archived redo logs and the LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT initialization parameter is explicitly set to %t_%s.dbf, DBUA shows an error recommending that you change the format to add %r and then continue. But %r is not a supported format in 9.2.
Workaround: Remove LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT from the initialization parameter file or SPFILE and use the default format. In release the default was %t_%s.dbf and in 11.2 the default is %t_%r_%s.dbf. Therefore, using the default will automatically update the format.
1.38.2 Deinstallation Tool Known Bugs
Bug 8737202
When using a standalone version of the deinstallation tool to deinstall Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a cluster, the deinstallation fails to remove Oracle Clusterware on the remote nodes if the you run the tool and do not have permissions to create the deinstallation home location on the remote nodes.
Workaround: If the standalone version of the deinstallation tool is used to remove Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a cluster, you need permissions to create the deinstallation home location on all the Oracle Clusterware nodes.
Bug 8726637
If the Oracle Clusterware home is created under top level '/' directory, deinstallation fails to remove the Oracle Clusterware software on remote nodes.
Workaround: At the end of the deinstallation, run the following command from the local node for each of the remote nodes:
'ssh remote_node rm -rf crs_home/'
Bug 8680498
If you try to deinstall Oracle Restart on a machine where there is a single-instance database Oracle home that is not managed by Oracle Restart, the deinstallation tool removes the /etc/oratab file.
Workaround: Make a backup of the /etc/oratab file before running the deinstallation tool to deconfigure Oracle Restart, and then restore the file after you deinstall Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a cluster.
Bug 8644344
When running the deinstallation tool to deinstall the database, you will be prompted to expand the Oracle home and to select a component. If you select the top level component, Oracle Database Server, and do not select the Oracle home, OUI does not show the message to run the deinstall utility and proceeds with the deinstallation of the database.

Workaround: Run the deinstallation tool to deinstall the Oracle home.
Bug 8635356
If you are running the deinstall tool from ORACLE_HOME that is installed on shared NFS storage, then you will see errors related to .nfs files during ORACLE_HOME clean up.
Workaround: To remove the ORACLE_HOME, run the rm -rf ORACLE_HOME command after the deinstall tool exits. Alternatively, you can use the standalone and specify the location of the ORACLE_HOME.
2.39.3 Oracle ACFS Known Bugs
Bug 10019796
When acfsutil encr info command is run on a file or a directory on which encryption has never been enabled, the command produces no output. Furthermore, whenacfsutil encr info is run on a directory with the recursive (-r) option and encryption has never been enabled on that directory, the command produces no output for the directory or any files contained in that directory.
Workaround: When acfsutil encr info is run on an individual file or directory and the command produces no output, it implies that encryption is not enabled on that file or directory.
When acfsutil encr info is run on a directory with the recursive (-r) option and the command produces no output for the specified directory or one of its subdirectories, it implies that encryption is not enabled on that directory. To see the encryption status of files in that directory, run acfsutil encr info on each file individually.
Bug 10069735
In a cluster with a password-protected key store, when an Oracle ACFS file system using encryption is mounted through the Oracle ACFS mount registry, the administrator is not prompted to enter the key store password. Although the process of mounting the file system succeeds, not all information required for Oracle ACFS encryption to work correctly is made available to the file system. In this case, encryption is not operational on this file system and any encrypted files in the file system are not available for read or write.
Workaround: In a cluster with a password-protected key store, do not use the Oracle ACFS mount registry for mounting any file systems that are using encryption. If some file systems are already mounted through the Oracle ACFS mount registry, unmount them and remove any such file systems from the mount registry to avoid possible unavailability of encrypted data in the future. Then, remount these file systems without using the Oracle ACFS mount registry, providing the correct password when requested.
Bug 9975343
In some situations when acfsutil encr set or acfsutil sec prepare commands are run from multiple nodes in succession, the .Security directory in the mount point may be created incorrectly.
If this happens, two entries will be shown for .Security when listing the contents of the mount point, and the acfsutil sec prepare command will fail to add the logging and backup directories to their respective system realms if this command was the last to be run.
Workaround: If acfsutil encr set or acfsutil sec prepare commands are to be performed in succession, executing the commands from the same node will avoid the problem.
The problem can also be avoided by listing the contents of the .Security directory before running the second command.
However, if the problem is encountered, it can be resolved by first removing both security and encryption from the file system using acfsutil encr set -u and acfsutil sec prepare -u and then removing the .Security directory. The removal of the .Security directory will have to be performed twice.
Once security and encryption have been removed from the file system and the .Security directory has been deleted, the acfsutil sec prepare or acfsutil encr setcommands may be run again on the file system.
Bug 9958114
If the standby file system is initialized for replication, but the primary file system is not, repl terminate of the standby will loop forever.
Workaround: Use acfsutil repl terminate standby immediate to terminate the standby under these conditions.
Bug 9947559
After a certain number of retries, the acfsrepl_transport daemon attempts to failover to another node if it cannot communicate with the remote site. If there is no other node for the daemon to failover to, or after a certain number of failover attempts, Oracle Clusterware stops trying to failover and the transport daemon will not be running. Not running the transport daemon causes replication to stall and eventually the file systems can run out of space.
Workaround: Run acfsutil repl bg start mnpt after the communication problem is corrected.
Bug 9940090
Unable to communicate with remote site if the disk group is forced dismounted. The root cause of this issue is that the service name associated with the file system is not being unregistered when the disk group is forced dismounted.
Workaround: Unmount the file system whose disk group was forced dismounted. This will unregister the service, thereby allowing the remote site to choose another node with the disk group and file system mounted for communication.
Bug 9896821
The following are alert log messages pointing to trace files that do not indicate an actual problem:
ORA-19505: failed to identify file 
"/scratch/primary/.ACFS/repl/ready/receipt.transport.cord242.12786023 69" 
ORA-27037: unable to obtain file status 
Linux-x86_64 Error: 2: No such file or directory 
Workaround: None.
Bug 8644639
When creating an Oracle ACFS mount point and adding it to the registry, the mount point is not mounted automatically if the following conditions are met:

  1. The mount point directory was previously registered with the Oracle ACFS Registry.
  2. The mount point directory had been previously mounted.
  3. The mount point had then been unmounted and removed from the Oracle ACFS Registry.
  4. The ora.registry.acfs resource has not been restarted since the mount point was deleted from the registry.

Workaround: Remove the mount point directory from the file /tmp/.usm_state_file.
2.39.4 Oracle ADVM Known Bugs
Bug 9683229
Oracle ADVM does not support mounting ext3 file systems over Oracle ADVM with the mount barrier option enabled. The mount barrier option is enabled by default on SLES10.
Workaround: Mount ext3 file system with -o barrier=1. For example:
mount -o barrier=0 /dev/asm/myvol-131 /mnt
2.39.5 Oracle Application Express Known Bugs
Refer to "Open Bugs and Known Issues" in Oracle Application Express Release Notes.
2.39.6 Oracle Clusterware Known Bugs
Bug 10062301
After a non-rolling clusterware upgrade from to, the CLUSTER_NAME parameter is not set in the clusterware_home _path/crs/install/crsconfig_params. This affects the addNode scenario after the upgrade.

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