Setting Up Generic Connectivity
Purpose - This document details how to setup generic connectivity from Oracle to a Non-Oracle OLEDB or ODBC datasource.
Requirements - You will need either an ODBC or OLEDB driver for the non-oracle database on the Oracle server.
1. Configure a tnsnames entry for the datasource on the server.
a. Run NetManager
b. Create a tnsnames entry in the normal way
Click advanced next to the service name and tick use for - heterogeneous services
d. Save the new entry – it will look like this in tnsnames.ora
<tnsnames entry> =
(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(Server = <server_name>)(PORT = 1521))
(CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = <name of link>))
(HS = OK)
2. Configure the listener to listen for requests for the service
a. In NetManager Choose Other services
b. Click Add Service Fill out the screen as follows
Global Service name should be the same as the service name in tnsnames.ora, as should sid Program name should be HSOLESQL if you are using OLEDB for a
Database (i.e not the text driver). For ODBC it should be HSODBC – this corresponds to the executable in the oracle home bin directory. Oracle Home also has to be filled in. Save listener.ora
c. Load the changes you have made by running lsnrctl reload at the server
command prompt
d. Check that the service is listed if you type lsnrctl status
3. Configure an initialisation file for the generic agent (hsolesql.exe/hsodbc.exe).
a. this is called init<service_name>.ora and sits in oracle_home\hs\admin it only requires One parameter
b. For OLEDB you need to have a datalink file and the parameter reads
HS_FDS_CONNECT_INFO=”c:\\temp\\<service_name>.udl” –-- Please NOTE double slashes
c. For ODBC you need to have a dsn – a system dsn is easiest and the parameter reads
4. Configure the datasource
a. For ODBC just create a datasource in the standard way
b. For OLEDB create a blank text file called by the filename listed above
c. Double click the udl file and you get the following dialog
d. You can choose the provider and connection details from various tabs.
5. Create the database link.
a. This is done in the usual way eg
create database link <link> connect to <user> identified by <password> using ‘<tnsnames entry>’;
b. You can also authenticate using the logged in Oracle user name, but then you would have to maintain the security at the remote sql server site as well.
c. Test using select * from table@link; - may need quotes and owner name for sql server systems eg select * from “dbo”.”sysusers”@<link>;
Troubleshooting - If it all goes wrong,
Include a parameter HS_FDS_TRACE_LEVEL = ON in the init<sid>.ora file in oracle_home\hs\admin this should create a trace file with useful info in it. In
oracle_home\hs\trace. If the trace file is not created then check listener.log – file not found means you have typed the program name wrong in the listener configuration.
Tip -
Use the same name for all sids and service names so that you always call the remote
database the same thing – I’d use the same name for the database link as well.
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